Marvel takeover DC

MARVEl gonna take over DC?

Don't worry, you will not see batman do corny jokes on big screen. Actually, rumours are disney plans to spend 25 billion for DC Comic publishing issue. But, the chance is pretty high.
Cuz, DC comics sales are 7-8% lesser than normal. While, Marvel doing pretty good. Increased its sale from 30 to 38-40%.


DC Comics vice president Dan DiDio was fired by AT&T, thats why.
He proposed the idea of the next reboot of DC, called as 5G(5th Generation). Like the New 52 reboot, that was so good if you ask me. This 5G is The new generation of superheroes taking the mantle like the baby clark in the end of BATMAN-THE LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH.
But, AT&T refused. Scott snyder not appreciated. Geoff johns and Jim lee are not interested.

On oher hand, Marvel did that perfectly. New generation of superheroes like Ms-marvel(Captain marvel), Spider-man miles morales(Peter parker), and now Iron heart(Iron man) are making money. while DC shut downs Verigo comics.
Dan pushed his idea to the end.......and got fired.
Now, AT&T planning on hiring movies directors to direct comics (or) leasing DC Charecters only for comics.

Crossover after a Long time

Either marvel takes over DC Comics or not. We can smell the crossover. The last crossover happened in 2005, "DC vs Marvel Comics". After that, We waited and waited and waiting. But now, both comics teasing each other.

Donny cates ongoing Thor teases DC in issue 2. Calling the League of gods in parellel universe, Batman as "God of Darkness", Wonder woman as "God of Stergnth", Superman as "Sun God", Green lantern as "God of Emerald", Aquaman as "God of Ocean". And shows the teasing image of superman, flash and green lantern.
Also in issue 3, Galactus referring the Darkseid as "The Omega, one who is".
In Doomsday cloak, DrManhatten Overrights the reality. and told us the future events. Like, "Superman will face Thor" and "Green behemoth(HULK), who is powerful than darkseid. sacrifice himself to save superman and universe from invaders".He also mentioned In 2030, These events will happen in the name of "Secret Crisis". "Secret" for marvel and "Crisis" for DC.
We hope, this will happen in this year. maybe, at the end of this Thor vs Black Winter comic arc. But, we can say 'WINTER IS COMING' 
